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Ángel Rosendo Delgado Murga

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Ángel Rosendo Delgado Murga.Prominent cultural promoter that develops also as he is declaimer of his own verse

Artistic life

Since the fourteen years he fixes since your artistic inclination is from childhood and thanks to our revolution he began your education.


In the year 60 the poets of the radio began to sing your tenths. Count already on 50 years of artistic life. The national rose-colored reward was white. Work as in the provincial center of the book master of ceremonies of his books and of other actors, backing up the different activities most of all in the infantile pavilion, he maintains for four years the rock with Rosendo and the friends of Minifauna in the provinces and he replies to her of this Sanguily's Rescue for the sake of promoting the children's literature and the protection of the little animals of our fauna is done in the house of the culture of the community.

He is a cultural native born lifelong promoter it was proposed for the reward random access memory for the municipality and the center Nicolás Guillen, he is declaimer of your own verse.


In the year 1966 in the magazine ANAP was his first publication.

Book: Mini-skirt fauna of four editions published in the 2002 and 2004 by ACANA and Gente New.

In 2007 a special edition of 50 000 issues.


Unripe olive tree.
Newspaper July 26 Tunas.
Newspaper Granma peasant.

Backlist in the 2005 one belonging to an anthology in Mexico of the cosmic tenth. Panorama of the tenth Cuban in the XXth century (1900-1959); Havana, 2010: Tenth TREASURE.

Rewards and recognitions

I compete National Frank Country:
Camaguey, 1988: First National Mention Tenth.
Santiago de Cuba, 1989: First National Mention.
Havana, 2000: Secondly I reward national of tenth.
San Cristobal, Pinar del Rio; 2001. Third National Premio nursery rhyme.
2003: 1er National Premio of Décima.
2004: 1er National Premio of nursery rhyme.
2008: Special national reward and mention in the contest Rubén Martínez Villena.
Contest Cucalambé, 1969, 2do I Reward national.
Mural Tenth, Havana, 1975: National reward.
Literary workshops, 1987. Mention.
I reward ED the City, Camaguey, 2003: Mention.

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